CSD Engineers

Founding year


Plans of innovations and growth:


Plan to grow aproximatly 170 employees untill 2030

Inovation center

Area of expertise

Structural, infrastructure, MEP and environment engineering

Ready to consult startups in:

Requirements and processes in European markets: Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belgium and France

What innovations is company interested in: 

BIM, lidar, AI for structural engineering, automation, data management in engineering

Discipline to collaborate with startups:

AI for sructural engineering, lidar, BIM, automation, information management, visualization in engineering

Reaching out for innovations: 

Platforms for engineering and geology data, AI for structural engineering, automation, engineering data management

Innovation news, achievements, expansion to other countries: 

Export engineering company for west europe markets. 60 employees in 2022. Planning expantion in different areas and markets.

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